Friday, January 25, 2013

Stop Hating Your Body!

          In the past couple of weeks I have been gaining weight and it has really been bothering me. I think that I may need to go and buy some new jeans this weekend and that scares me. I step on the scale and as I look at the number, I remember how hard it was to get away from it and now I'm back where I was. It's like I put all of this work into starving myself and now it was all for nothing. I realized something though. I will NEVER be happy with what I weigh. Most people wont. I try to think about why I care so much. Why is it so important for me to lose weight? I can't give you an honest, real answer. Why would I want to jeopardize my health to be scary skinny? I remember having no energy and hiding from the world. I would much rather look how I do now and be out there experiencing life, than wasting it away and hiding. 
          I came across a really inspiring blog today and I want to share it with all of you. It's called 'Stop Hating Your Body.' It's a blog that was creating to remind us all how beautiful we are. Many people have posted their own stories about how they have struggled with an eating disorder, self-harm, or being bullied and taunted about their looks. It helps me to remember that I'm not alone. None of us are. Your age, gender, race, and size don't matter. You are who you are and there is no reason to hide that. You deserve love and happiness in your life. That includes loving YOURSELF and being happy with YOURSELF. I want everyone to know that your flaws are what make you beautiful and special. 

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